STUPID PEOPLE... it's not just America anymore
Nice to see racism thrives in the "wetback" community... yes, that is a racist remark, sorry...
Sorry Ass People
Snotty, Rich Bitches
Harry Belafonte is a Fool
Put Up A Wall, Bitches
My List ...Version One
Nectar of the Godz
Gifts Gone Wild!
RIP - Richard Pryor
Shoot The Troublemaker
CNN = Sophomoric Pranks
Lawbreakers Suck
Internet Love
Personal Responsibility
Kill Whitey!
Hugo Chavez - Walking Dickbag
Sept 11 - You Forgot It
Idiots of Katrina
Anonymous Pussies
Hurricane Looting
Cindy Sheehan - Attention Whore
Helen Thomas... We're waiting
Jane Fonda Sucks
Catherine Baker Knoll is Scum
F*@# Reparations!
Rich Idiot Kills Himself
The Soft Side Of Saddam
Pitbull Vs Child
The Innocent Terrorist
Canada, got milk?
Corporate Waste and You!
Osama Bin Laden Caught!
Hillary Clinton Will Save Us
Phil Spector's Hair
American Choppers
Need A New Job?
Violent Dogs
Vicente Fox is a Dick
Walmart is Evil
Mexico, open your eyes!
Dr Mengle Revisited
California is wacky
Michael Schaivo - Devil
The Dutch - delusional
Pet Ownership
Bill Cosby Remarks
Runaway Bride
"Riyadh" Rosie O'donnell
Hey Pacifists, Bite Me!
What A Dick!
One Size Fits All Lie
The Minutemen
Kerry - You Lost!
Terri Schiavo
PC Games
My Dad
Kim Jung IL
Jack Daniels Sucks
Stupid Idea or Cool Bling?
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