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HUGO CHAVEZ ...stick it in your ass

Hugo Chavez, leader of Venezuela is a douchebag...

He speaks at the UN, verbally thrashing our president. He receives a note saying his time has expired, he throws it to the floor. He berates us saying we deserve anything we get. He proclaims the UN should leave the US and move to a "southern country"

Today, this idiot realizes he is a fuck up or his associates tell him he is...

"Sometimes I make mistakes, I tend to respond to any official from the government of Mr. Bush who verbally attacks Venezuela," Chavez said during a speech at a Manhattan church."

Yeah, sometimes I make mistakes to, sorry about that accidental kick in the balls, scumbag...

He acknowledged that he has occasionally "gone too far with words" when responding to U.S. officials who criticize his government, and he said his criticism of the Bush administration has sometimes been misunderstood as attacks against the American public.

"I love the people of the United States," he said.

Yeah? The feeling is not mutual, asshole... We deserve what we get? So will you, you punk. The way things run in countries like yours... hmmm, your clock is winding down... are your affairs in order?

I wish some two bit jackoff like this would crawl back under the rock he came from. America is their biggest customer of oil... Great business sense, piss of your customers...

Ever notice all of these nitwits speak alot of bullshit, then realize what they said and try to recant? Maybe it's time to start calling these people to task. They should be happy we are there to support their economy and this is how they want to treat us? Maybe Pat Robertson was right...

...never thought I'd say that

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