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ANONYMOUS PUSSIES... grow some balls

Ok, the fun has ended...

If you are not brave enough to post comments using your name, you are not good enough to post here... This blog is only for the strong...

If you have a strong belief in what you say, you are free to say it here... I don't care if you disagree with me, that's actually the point, discussions of every side of a story... But at least have the balls to do it with your head held high...

Anonymous posters are the "terrorists" of the internet... They sneak in, throw verbal bombs, sneak out, and no one knows who they are. They have caused fear, chaos and uneasiness and that was thier mission.

Bloggers like BarbFromCalifornia and Shaheen are far from conservative, but I LOVE when they post... Intelligence, grace and ACCOUNTABILITY! They are not afraid to post what they think and stand behind it, that's why I count them among the "Friends of SNABU".

If you want to post great, have some balls and do it in the daylight. If not, it's my right to defend "my" homeland and I will...

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this is my blog, if you don't like it I've done a good job...Bohica